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Singapore: +65 6828 7626 . China: +86 21 6225 7371 . Cookie Policy × No Thanks I Accept I Accept Definition and Usage. The * selector selects all elements.. The * selector can also select all elements inside another element (See "More Examples").
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Go to favorites. Continue browsing Global Site Selector; Global Site Selector Manager; Global Situation Display; Global Situational Awareness Tool; Global Skill Development Council; Global Sniper Elite; Global Social and Sustainable Enterprise; Global Social Benefit Incubator; Global Social Compliance Programme; Global Social Entrepreneurship; Global Social Movement; Global Solutions. Veritas solutions focus on information, not infrastructure.
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Veritas solutions focus on information, not infrastructure. Our comprehensive 360 approach to multi-cloud data management provides protection, availability and insight everywhere your information travels. Is there a way I can include that global class alongside my component's locally scoped styles? i.e., what I'd like is for this to work:.myClass { color: red; } :global .dropdown--active .myClass { color: blue; } However, that syntax makes the entire selector global, which is not what I'm after: I want .myClass to be scoped to the component. Global lists are created via file import which makes them particularly useful if you have large lists in your forms. The Global List Selector field type allows you to reference a global list in your form to allow a user to select single or multiple pre-defined items from the global list. Multi-Cloud.
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Mar 6, 2020 Learn how to use the Deep selector in Vue, a powerful tool for resolving Be aware that it is still subject to global CSS selectors that modify it,
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