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fuel injection valve - Swedish translation – Linguee

A small vacuum leak usually won't affect engine performance much, but you may notice an erratic idle and, if enough vacuum is escaping, a stall issue when the engine is running at minimal speed. Ignition misfire can make your engine stall at idle. Intake/Fuel System Leak A leak or obstruction in the intake or fuel system that affects your engine’s ability to take in air or fuel. If the engine stalls while idling or driving, the engine may be running out of fuel or not receiving enough fuel pressure to keep it running. The most likely cause of this kind of stalling would be a fuel pump that is not spinning fast enough or is intermittently cutting out.

Engine stalling at idle

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first step, also, look for vacuum leaks, check your Idle Air Control valve. 6 Aug 2014 Now the engine stalls in maybe ten seconds on idle and giving a bit of help with the gas pedal doesn't help much. I borrowed an USB OBD cable  The fix is fuel or not enough . The jets are to small. I had my local small engine guy drill it out just a little. Never stalls now and sawing all day burns less than a  for 5min everything was alright, but then i went to stop and when i pulled the clutch the car just stall, i also realized that the engine lose its power befor i stoped,  Symptoms of failure include engine stalling, surging, poor idle conditions, and or a check engine light.

The electronic control unit sends information to the actuator so that it can keep the engine functioning by maintaining the right RPM. Most GM 2.4 engines will have this problem.

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För att hitta kontrollområdet på tomgångsmotorn stall varvtalet i tomgångstabellen till ett mycket  480 ES and was experiencing idle problems and frequent stalls. The engine would sometimes soar to 3500 RPM when engaging the clutch.

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(problemkod) DTC:P0117 (scintillationskod 23) fel på  If the engine is stalling and won't idle, increase idle speed by turning the idle adjusting screw clockwise. NOTE! The mixture of the carburetor cannot be adjusted. i88 bygger på samma plattform som väl beprövade motorstyrningen Vipec v88.

Engine stalling at idle

Oxygen Engine speed, ground idle.
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I replaced TPS, Fit valve, IAC, Fuel filter,  I have a 2007 Scion Tc everything is stock. The car runs fine for the most part but stalls when stop or sitting at idle. Sometimes it chugs when  13 May 2011 I recently pulled the engine in our 1998.

Also, have the system checked  Motor lampan tänds då och då och kan lysa ett par dar å sen slockna. Idle Control System RPM Higher Than Expected Engine Stall or Near Stall Detected 9 SM2 olika chip versioner SM2 Tomgångs motor Laddtrycks styrning Closed loop, Lambda Tomgångstabell för tändning (Idle ignition table). För att hitta kontrollområdet på tomgångsmotorn stall varvtalet i tomgångstabellen till ett mycket  480 ES and was experiencing idle problems and frequent stalls. The engine would sometimes soar to 3500 RPM when engaging the clutch.
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Engine code came up the other day. took to local parts store to read code.

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Also during this issue if vehical doesn't stall it starts exibiting erratic idle.