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Political Representation in Sweden - Holmberg - 1989
Second, it shows that the quality of representation is high in terms of left/right, the main dimension of conflict in European politics, but lower on the cultural and European integration dimensions. Conditions of Positional Policy Congruence Positional policy congruence (Jones, Baumgartner 2004: 2) is the dominant approach to examine the congruence of citizens and governments. Ideology approaches are one way to test representation of agendas, but do not examine policy responsiveness. The ideology methods do not value of congruence with regard to descriptive representation (e.g.,Mansbridge1999). Mass-elite congruence is thus an important element of representation, both on its own and as part of the broader representative process. Empirically, congruence also seems to affect important democratic indicators like the representation’.
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T1 - How Democracy Works: Political Representation and Policy Congruence in Modern Societies. A2 - Rosema, Martin. A2 - Denters, Bas. A2 - Aarts, Kees. N1 - Ter gelegenheid v/h emeritaat van Jacques Thomassen.
From the beginning, this work has produced divergent findings, with some authors finding relatively high levels of responsiveness (Erikson 2021-02-01 · Policy congruence (ordinal) thus also ranges from 0 (the respondent never answered the same as now) to one (the respondent always answered the same as now) but the variable gives different weight to the much more/less and somewhat more/less categories.
Policy congruence has been considered as one of the main linkage mechanism between political elites and citizens. Further, in normative terms some degree of policy congruence is considered as desirable goal for representative democracies. Starting with the pioneering study by Miller/Stokes the policy-congruence approach has undergone a wide range [and] representation should secure in the government a 'reflex' of the opinion of the entire electorate" (Pitkin, 1967, p.
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A survey was conducted by the Institute of Policy Studies - IPS as part of a broader global survey. "Our Singaporean Values is the first of a three-part series Policy capturing was used to identify each subject's judgment method. provide insights to the problem of goal congruence and suggest remedies, at least We suggest that representative samples should be selected and tested in the future The European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) recommends subsidies Similarly, landscape simplification reduced the phylogenetic congruence the continued under-representation of the low-intensity farmland in Central and av G Medberg · Citerat av 3 — Market Representations in Action: Foundations for the Performativity of Representations in Marketing . Díaz Ruiz, Carlos A (Svenska handelshögskolan, av S Alexius — as well as those interested in the management also of other policy areas and public However, the report makes no claims to give a fully representative picture of party's actions are congruent with his or her words. Integrity av AD Oscarson · 2009 · Citerat av 76 — On several levels, policy documents and the discourse they represent influence language in congruence with the researcher's assessment. The largest av Å Andersson · 2019 — include youth work, youth participation, educational policy, cultural philosophy BMe representation has stayed relatively static at around 40% (davies, 2018).
As national parties fight EP elections and EU-level political groups legislate, ideological congruence between citizens
2020-10-07 · However, I wonder to what extent policy congruence can be measured as an agreement with government spending in a certain policy area. The indicator proposed by the author presumes that respondents are aware of their own preferences concerning government spending in a wide range of areas and additionally have sufficient information to judge the current amount of expenditures caused by recent
2020-02-01 · Representation, and thereby policy congruence, is therefore thought to be important for political legitimacy. Many studies have therefore analyzed congruence in different political systems for different policy areas ( Bafumi and Herron, 2010 , Belchior, 2010 , Costello et al., 2012 , Eliasson, 2014 , Lax and Phillips, 2012 , Önnudóttir, 2014 , Spoon and Klüver, 2014 , Andeweg, 2011
Lefkofridi, Zoe; Casado-Asensio, Juan./ European Vox Radicis : Representation and policy congruence on the extremes.In: Comparative European Politics. 2013 ; Vol. 11
2013-09-01 · The representation literature argues that “good” representation (i.e., a small preference gap between the electorate and the political elite) is the key factor to get policy congruence, while the literature on direct democracy shows that initiatives and referendums are effective instruments for voters to get the policies they want. First, it demonstrates that policy preferences of candidates and voters are constrained by three separate policy dimensions. Second, it shows that the quality of representation is high in terms of left/right, the main dimension of conflict in European politics, but lower on the cultural and European integration dimensions.
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expectations about democracy are fulfilled. Styles of representation are defined at the party level as the proportion of representatives within parties who are partisans, trustees or delegates. Policy congruence is defined as how close parties are to their voters on the left-right scale.
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A theoretical model of congruence in follower role The nursing profession in Sri Lanka: time for policy changes representative longitudinal study in Germany. artikel, som handlade om faktorer som pedagogisk och administrativ policy eller sociala mathematics; the representation of a right-angled triangle by a drawing, and the the congruence of instructional approaches with standards-based
policy and politics and then incorporated in the logic of domestic interest representation in international relations”.
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The article concludes that where there are higher proportions of trustees within parties, there is a greater degree of policy congruence, whereas a higher proportion of partisans results in Representation and policy congruence in Iceland after the crisis Eva Heida Onnudottir 4 accountability. The rule of law is fundamental for a democratic consolidation and is a prerequisite for a democratic system.
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Drawing on recent survey data from a variety of national and international research projects, they demonstrate how political representation works and mostly leads to a fair degree of policy congruence between citizens and their representatives. Policy congruence has been considered as one of the main linkage mechanism between political elites and citizens.