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2015-12-11 Help a confronted neet Anonymous 03/14/21(Sun)01:39:51 No. 60336891 My boomer dad burst into my room earlier this evening, heaved a large object into my room, put two pairs of dumbbells into my room, dropped a weight-vest and two ankle weights on the floor, and shoved a parallel bar stand through my door. 1.4k votes, 128 comments. 1.2m members in the 4chan community. The #1 Ad-Free Reddit ""experience"" without the hassle of being quarantined Se hela listan på knowyourmeme.com Honestly living like a neet is one of the most degenerate things you can do, everything cost money in America and you not pulling you fair share so you can at least survive is pathetic unless you're incapable of work AND school of course 8.0k votes, 345 comments.

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These include Kohlchan, 8chan (later 8kun), 16chan, Shitchan, and Endchan, with some less popular "/pol/" themed boards accessible through the Tor network on sites such as 9chan and Neinchan. History Just like 4chan, Hispachan is also anonymous in terms of approach and hence eliminates the need of getting registered here first. You are going to find millions of post here done in various categories. Hispachan is actually quite diverse and features categories like politics, economy, video games, anime, NSFW section, movie and many more. Chad Thundercock must defeat the lords of cinder, and bench 1500 before everything ends.

1 Apr 2021 /neet/ - NEET general Anonymous CA 04/01/21(Thu)02:39:40 No.3801 Archived. What antidepressants are you on?

Sverigetråden - NEET-upplagan - 4ChanArchives : a 4Chan

av J Forsbacka · 2020 — skolskjutningen figurerar inlägg på internetforumet 4chan som i vaga ordalag menar att det 18 Ordet ”NEET” kommer från engelska uttrycket ”Not in Education,  Annars blir det att leva som en hikki NEET tills jag blir utsparkad eller begår. >> Anonymous 04/06/21(Tue)08:24:11 No.142595924.

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Not to mention the fact that the word is actually a derogatory word for LGBT people (primarily homosexual men). It's like if the just decided to add the n-word (with the "er" ending) at the end of random words.

Neet 4chan

Blir lite påmind om vad det är för folk på 4chan nu alltså. Neet = En incel som varken jobbar eller studerar i protest mot Ska vi förvandla Flashback till 4chan där alla snackar meme-retorik? Flashback  You are Waffen-ass Jesus the brutal neet destined to slay niggers.
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The latest Tweets from || J-a-e ||✞ (@J8don). - jussa 21yo neet that plays vidya games, watch politics and browse 4chan daily - #America1st . jussa 21yo neet that plays vidya games, watch politics and browse 4chan daily - #America1st . Sunnyvale TrailerPark Seattle. ROOЯ®ROOR TECH.

Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. 4chan is an anonymous English-language imageboard website. Launched by Christopher "moot" Poole in October 2003, the site hosts boards dedicated to a wide variety of topics, from anime and manga to video games, music, literature, fitness, politics, and sports, among others.
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Neet-chan? Collapse. Permalink · Context Do you have out on just /r/4chan, or do you go to places like /r/conservative as well? Cuz I'm pretty sure they're not  finns minst fyra wake n bake neets i tråden.

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/b/ - Random » Thread #818603952 - The /b/ Archive

Anonymous >donken man är en hikikomori neet och anon kallar en nbög >>111117239 Must say that one thing the "cucked swede meme" here on 4chan has taught me is to hate burgers, anglos and Finns.