Share: This entry is part 178 of 190 in the year: 13, all time: 24,796 (+22) Potentially hazardous asteroids: 2037 (last updated June 2, 2020) 2016 CO247. 2021-Jan-06. 19.3 The monstrous asteroid called 2021 CO247, which is 0.83 times the height of the Eiffel Tower will fly past the Earth at 7.4 million kilometers An asteroid as big as the Eiffel Tower is en route the Earth and is predicted to strike sometime early in 2021, according to a prediction made by French astrologer Nostradamus. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory reports that in the next two days, the potentially dangerous asteroid 2021 CO247 will fly about 8 million kilometers from Earth. 2021 CO247 was discovered on November 29, 2020, in images obtained by the NEOWISE (Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer) space telescope. The asteroid called 2021 CO247 is 0.83 times the height of the Eiffel Tower and it is predicted that this celestial body will fly past the Earth at 7.4 million kilometres. On January 3, a gigantic The asteroids, identified as 2021 AC and 2016 CO247, are thought to be taller than Big Ben and the Empire State Building, respectively.

2021 co247 asteroid

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Five asteroids are set to make a close approach to Earth today, on January 6.Two of the asteroids — 2016 CO247 and 2008 AF4 — are bigger than the Eiffel Tower. Even the smallest of the five 2021 CO247 enters the scene. 2021 CO247 is the asteroid in question, and it’s about 0.83 times Eiffel Tower’s height. The asteroid is hurtling through space at tremendous speeds. Even a grain of sand can pierce the human body easily if it travels at a fast enough speed. Joshua Smith Digital News Reporter. A list of known near-Earth asteroid close approaches less than 1 lunar distance (0.0025696 AU (384,410 km; 238,860 mi)) from Earth in 2021.

As a prelude to the monster flyby later in the week, on Monday, the 32-meter asteroid 2021 AB and the 11-meter 2012 BT1 will shoot past the Earth at a distance of 842,000km and 5.2 million kilometers respectively.

Nostradamus' terrifying predictions for 2021 from brain chips in soldiers to asteroid hitting earth Jane Lavender & Kirsten McStay. Voici sans doute la prédiction la plus farfelue de Nostradamus pour 2021, il annonce 2021-03-21 Orbital and Physical Characteristics Name 2003 AF23 2016 CO247 Asteroid number Not numbered Not numbered Discoverer LINEAR Pan-STARRS 1 Discovery date 2003 January 8 2016 February 12 Close approach distance 0.0467 au (18.2 lunar distances) 0.0495 au (19.3 lunar distances) Close approach date 2021 Jan 3 2021 Jan 6 Orbit type Aten Apollo semimajor axis 0.875 au 1.420 au eccentricity … Asteroid 2021 CO247 Eiffel Tower के साइज का Asteroid धरती के पास से गुजरेगा। क्या दुनिया एक और मुसीबत को तैयार है। क्या नॉस्‍त्रेदमस की भविष्‍यवाणी सच हो सकती है। Tag: Asteroid 2021 CO247 Eiffel Tower के साइज का A giant asteroid named 2021 CO247, is flying towards Earth! However, this is not the only celestial event that Earth will bear witness to this month. # Asteroid.

Next up is the relatively gigantic 2016 CO247, measuri 5 Jan 2021 The names of the five asteroids are – 2021 AC (travelling at 50,652 kilometres per hour), 2016 CO247, (travelling at 60,228 kilometres per  Below is the list of asteroids that have closely approached Earth in 2021. Contents. 1 Timeline of known close approaches less than one lunar distance from  6 Jan 2021 The names of the five asteroids are 2021 AC, 2016 CO247, 2021 AJ, 2018 KP1, 332446 (2008 AF4). Out of the five, three are relatively small,  5 Jan 2021 Following only a few minutes after 2021 AC is 2016 CO247 -- also considered by the CNEOS to be an Apollo NEA. The asteroid, which is about  6 जनवरी 2021 इस Asteroid का साइज लगभग एफिल टॉवर (Eiffel Tower) जितना है। नासा ने कहा कि 2021 CO247 Asteroid की  5 Jan 2021 The monstrous asteroid called 2021 CO247, which is 0.83 times the height of the Eiffel Tower will fly past the Earth at 7.4 million kilometers. 30 Dec 2020 VOLUME 48, NUMBER 1, A.D. 2021 JANUARY-MARCH. 1.

2021 co247 asteroid

It was 7.4 million km away from our planet.
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16. 2021 AC. 2021-Jan-06. 9.1 LD. 14.

2021 GN2   6 Jan 2021 The three smaller asteroids have been dubbed 2021 AC, 2021 AJ and The second biggest asteroid has been named 2016 CO247; it is 340  6 Jan 2021 The huge monstrous asteroid is 0.83 times the height of the Effiel Tower and would be flying past the Earth. The asteroid is named 2021 CO247  4 Jan 2021 Meanwhile, Asteroid 2016 CO247 was discovered in 2016 and has a diameter of 282 meters, classified as a near-Earth asteroid class Apollo.
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1 day ago As a prelude to the monster flyby later in the week, on Monday, the 32-meter asteroid 2021 AB and the 11-meter 2012 BT1 will shoot past the Earth at a distance of 842,000km and 5.2 million kilometers respectively. Then on Wednesday, the week’s main event will be teed up by the 62-meter (or half the height of the Great Pyramid of Giza) asteroid 2021 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/loge.paa_official_?igshid=917gfa1e29rhFacebook : https://www.facebook.com/messi.logeTwitter : https://twitter.com/logep Joshua Smith Digital News Reporter. A list of known near-Earth asteroid close approaches less than 1 lunar distance (0.0025696 AU (384,410 km; 238,860 mi)) from Earth in 2021.

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The asteroid has been named 2021 CO247 and is quite massive in size.