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ContextLogic Inc., a San Francisco-based e-commerce platform company, has filed to go public. The company has not yet determined the number of shares it is offering or 2020-12-15 · ContextLogic aims to raise up to $1.10 billion. It will offer 46.0 million Class A shares in the IPO, which priced Tuesday night at $24 a share, at the top of its range. For IPO Boutique's "scale of 1 to 5" BUY rating on ContextLogic Inc., and our comprehensive analysis, click " Buy Market Research ".

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Företaget ContextLogic som driver e-butiken Wish börsintroduceras under kortnamnet WISH E-commerce firm Wish raises $1.1 billion in IPO. Företaget ContextLogic som driver e-butiken Wish börsintroduceras under E-commerce firm ContextLogic Inc sold shares in its initial public offering… ContextLogic Inc. is a mobile electronic commerce company. The Company provides a discovery-based shopping platform, which connects merchants' [SE] Köp aktier i ContextLogic Inc - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. Aktier från ContextLogic Inc. (NASDAQ: WISH) handlades för första fel med företagets IPO-prospekt som visade långsammare tillväxttakt  Börsnoteringar (IPO) nyheter Alibaba mot nya höjder när Ants IPO slår rekord med 34,5 miljarder dollar Wish moderbolags börsintroduktion ser dålig start. köpte ContextLogic Inc. - Class A till kurs 23,07 USD In fact, this stock has recently topped Apple as the favorite stock among American Millennials, according  Visa CONTEXTLOGIC INC-diagram live för att se aktiens kursutveckling.

Latest News and Press releases. ContextLogic Inc. - Class A WISH:NASDAQ Trade WISH stock for free with recommended broker TD Ameritrade. 1d 5d 1m Dec 21, 2020 ContextLogic wobbles in opening week. - Företaget ContextLogic som driver e-butiken Wish

ContextLogic Inc., a San Francisco-based e-commerce platform company, has filed to go public. The company has not yet determined the number of shares it is offering or the expected pricing of the ContextLogic Inc., the parent company to mobile e-commerce platform Wish, has filed for an initial public offering amid a massive shift to online shopping during COVID-19. (Reuters) -E-commerce firm ContextLogic Inc sold shares in its initial public offering (IPO) on Tuesday at $24 apiece, the top of its target range, to raise $1.1 billion, the company said in a Wish (ContextLogic) (WISH) has filed to raise approximately $1 billion in an IPO of its Class A common stock, according to an S-1 registration statement.

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The firm has developed a mobile-first Dec 15 (Reuters) - E-commerce firm ContextLogic Inc WISH.O sold shares in its initial public offering (IPO) on Tuesday at $24 apiece, at the top of its target range, to raise $1.1 billion, E-commerce firm ContextLogic Inc sold shares in its initial public offering (IPO) on Tuesday at $24 apiece, the top of its target range, to raise $1.1 billion, according to a person familiar with ContextLogic Inc., the parent of mobile e-commerce platform Wish, has set terms of its initial public offering in which the company is looking to raise up to $1.10 billion. The company said it is Dec 16, 2020 11:51 AM EST ContextLogic (WISH) - Get Report, parent company of e-commerce retailer Wish, ended the day below its initial public offering price of $24 in its trading debut Wednesday. On Tuesday, ContextLogic priced its IPO at $24 a share, raising about $1.1 billion in gross proceeds for the company. Shares opened at $22.75. It is unusual for a company to trade below its IPO Contextlogic Inc. (1822250) SEC Filing S-1 IPO report for the period ending Friday, November 20, 2020 ContextLogic (NASDAQ: WISH) has priced its IPO at $24 to raise $1.1B, giving an initial valuation of $17B - Bloomberg.

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It operates Wish, an ecommerce platform that connects merchants and consumers. The company was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. 2020-12-16 ContextLogic’s stock peaked on an intraday basis at $24.75 a couple of days after the offering, but has never closed as high as the IPO price.The stock was down 3.5%, to $19.64 on Monday afternoon.
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Köp aktien ContextLogic Inc. - Class A (WISH). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage.

The company operates Wish  The global mobile commerce market was $2.1 trillion in 2019 and is expected to more than double to reach $4.5 trillion by 2024. (Note: The ContextLogic, Inc. (  News of Contextlogic Inc Cl A(NASDAQ:WISH) stock. Latest News and Press releases. ContextLogic Inc. - Class A WISH:NASDAQ Trade WISH stock for free with recommended broker TD Ameritrade.
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Our telephone number is (415) 2020-11-20 · IPO. -0.60%. SPX. +0.77%. ContextLogic Inc., a San Francisco-based e-commerce platform company, has filed to go public.

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That's at the top end of Wish's previously expected IPO pricing range of $22 The parent company of the the Wish shopping app is coming onto the markets in an IPO. This is the most downloaded shopping app and continues to grow very wel 2021-04-12 · (Reuters) -Shopping app Wish's parent company ContextLogic Inc saw its share price fall more than 5% in its trading debut on Wednesday, after raising $1.1 billion in an initial public offering (IPO). 3 months ago - Reuters IPO Boutique shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages resulting from the use of our website and publications or resulting from unauthorized access to or alteration of users' transmissions or data, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, use or data, even if IPO Boutique has been advised of the possibility of such damages.