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Hannes Petri replied · 1 reply. Den gemensamma prisutdelningen hölls på St Petri Logen i Härnösand där Bästa hållbarhetsidé: Lukas Toljamo – Kvittera smart för miljön NIEMI, ANTTI 2; Pasanen, Petri 2; Tihinen, Hannu 2; fotboll 2 Toljamo, Sami 1; Tukiainen, Juha 1; ammatillinen Helin, Petri 1; Iso-Britannia 1; Kottila, Mika 1 Anja Toljamo. Finns ildi kvar och 2 aubergine ? 1.

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800 € euroa / viikko. Klikkaa tästä kuvat ja lisätiedot ja tarkasta mökin saatavuus. Further, Ms. Riitta Tiuraniemi and Mr. Petri Toljamo were elected as the new members of the Board of Directors for a corresponding term of office. At its assembly meeting held on April 11, 2018, the Board of Directors has elected Mr. Erkki Veikkolainen Chairman of the Board. Further, the Board has resolved to keep the Audit Committee. Mr. Se profiler som tillhör yrkespersoner med namnet ”Toljamo” på LinkedIn. Det finns 40+ yrkespersoner med namnet ”Toljamo” som använder LinkedIn för att utbyta information, idéer och nya möjligheter.

I Ullångers kyrka har 20 januari begravningsgudstjänst ägt rum för Pertti Armas Toljamo. Petri Pohjonen, verksamhetsledare, Invalidiliitto ry.

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See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Petri’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Presently, Petri Toljamo occupies the position of Chairman of Manea Capital Oy and Chairman at Keysight Finland Oy. Mr. Toljamo is also on the board of Bittium Oyj and Vice President-NEMO Wireless Petri was Managing Director, Network Testing at Anite, and General Manager of Mobile Division and Managing Director of Pulse Finland at Pulse Electronics Corporation. Petri Toljamo joined Bittium in 2017. Petri Toljamo is currently Director - Bittium (org chart) The latest tweets from @PetriToljamo Petri Toljamo is Managing Director at Anite Ltd. View Petri Toljamo’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers.

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At Bittium, Petri Toljamo has 18 colleagues including Hannu Huttunen (CEO), Erkki Veikkolainen (Chairman of the Board)… Petri Toljamo is Managing Director at Anite Ltd. View Petri Toljamo’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Petri Toljamo has filed for patents to protect the following inventions. This listing includes patent applications that are pending as well as patents that have already been granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Oulun Seudun Ammattikorkeakoulu: Tekniikan ja Luonnonvara-alan osastot / Kotkantie: Untis 2014: Oulu: Lukuvuosi 2015 - 2016 4. periodi ver 1,00: 31.3.2016 11:44 Use Video Analysis to extract a comprehensive, contextual, scene-level content description metadata of your video content. Standard Valossa Metadata contains following recognition results E-mail address * .

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All candidates have given their consent to the election. Current members of the Board Mr. Juha Putkiranta and Mr. Seppo Mäkinen have stated to the above mentioned three largest shareholders that they will no longer be available for election as members of the Board of Directors. Vuokramökki Pikkutalvikintie 16, 93280 Syöte, alk. 800 € euroa / viikko. Klikkaa tästä kuvat ja lisätiedot ja tarkasta mökin saatavuus. Further, Ms. Riitta Tiuraniemi and Mr. Petri Toljamo were elected as the new members of the Board of Directors for a corresponding term of office.
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Födelseår:1974. Beskattningsbar förvärsinkomst:1 647 349,56 €. Beskattningsbar kapitalinkomst:0,00 €.

At Bittium, Petri Toljamo has 18 colleagues including Hannu Huttunen (CEO), Erkki Veikkolainen (Chairman of the Board)… Petri Toljamo is Managing Director at Anite Ltd. View Petri Toljamo’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. View the profiles of people named Petri Toljamo. Join Facebook to connect with Petri Toljamo and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to Petri Toljamo is the Director at Bittium Oyj. Last updated: 1 April 2021 at 11:00am EST. Petri Toljamo Net Worth Petri Toljamo has filed for patents to protect the following inventions.
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Lisäksi hallitus on päättänyt, että hallituksella on edelleen tarkastusvaliokunta, jonka jäseniksi valittiin Riitta Tiuraniemi (valiokunnan puheenjohtaja), Petri Toljamo ja Veli-Pekka Paloranta. Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS), a leading technology company that helps enterprises, service providers and governments accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world, announced Nemo Backpack Pro, an in-building measurement solution for benchmarking 5G new radio (NR) end-user quality of experience (QoE) in enterprise facilities, airports, arenas and other indoor environments. St petri logen ab maj 2007 – sep 2008 1 år Andra med namnet Anja Toljamo. Anja Toljamo.

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23. Roger Toljamo. 24. Petra Wahlgren (Flir IF); Petri Hooli (Team Linköping BC); Petri Karhunen (BK Ulla-Britt Norlén (P-Bowling Härnösand BF (h)); Ulla-Britt Toljamo (Nordingrå  kesällä Dianra, Petri Laaksonen, Arja Koriseva, Jope Ruonansuu sekä loppuvuodesta JeanS. Keväällä Outi Toljamo, tf.