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Best jobber of all time

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Born: 1939 Tour Wins: 98 Majors: 6. Kathy Whitworth won an incredible 88 times on the LPGA Tour with her most dominant years coming in the 1960’s and 2015-08-18 The Shield premiered on March 12, 2002, and ran for 88 episodes across seven seasons.. 36. The Walking Dead. The next best TV show of all time is The Walking Dead.. This American post-apocalyptic horror television series was based on the comic book series by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard..

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This list is not a lament, but rather a dedication to the Top 15 Jobbers in WWE History. George South, second from the left, is regarded as Ric Flair’s favorite jobber If you are a wrestling fan and lived in the south, you knew who George South was.

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Horowitz, who proudly displayed his Jewish heritage on his ring gear each week, eventually scored a big win against Skip of the Bodydonnas and even went on a little streak of wins until he was taken back down to a jobber level. Who is the best Jobber of all time? With a lot of talk going on about Greatest of all time and things like that being talked about I just want to give our jobbers the love they deserve they come in week end and week out and no they are going to lose and (most) have fun doing it. Re: Best Jobber Of All Time? There have been many good jobbers mentioned here and I'll add two more from EFC/EMWC/KO Entertainment, Miki and Zsolt. They've both taken quite a lot and suffered at the hands of some very lovely and talented women.

Best jobber of all time

They will one day be talked about not believed without seeing. What does everybody want? Al Snow managed to send the crowds into a frenzy with just those few words. He became well known by starting the J.O.B. Squad, a stable made up entirely of jobbers. He made watching jobbers truly entertaining. He wasn't that bad of a wrestler, either.
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-- "Sometimes I'm so great I think I have two minds" - Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, WrestleMania VIII. P.S.  17 Dec 2017 Probably the most popular of all the jobbers, Steve Lombardi was your typical squash jobber early in his career before being upgraded to tough  Marvel, DC, Image, Crossgen, Top Cow, Vertigo, Dark Horse, or any other comic book company would you say is the Greatest Jobber of All time, and why ? If the wrestlers who have played the “enhancement talent” role, he's certainly the biggest and heaviest (Great Khali may be marginally taller, but not as heavy).

Ali had all time classic, iconic battles and is in a class by himself---don't insult him by ranking Pacquiao over him ever. That's just ridiculous. Paqcuiao is great but realistically---please, he is not the greatest of all time---he's lucky if he makes the top 20.
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Specifically during that run up to Raw 1000 with all the legends kicking his ass & then with 3MB he was so good at playing that obnoxious goober who was really fun to see get beat up. Re: Best Jobber Of All Time? That's what I was thinking, I know Skylar beats the crap out of him and another fellow who's name I don't know on a number of videos.

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But going over all names, the greatest jobber of all time is Barry Horowitz. His actual gimmick was to be the jobber, a guy who went over 1000 matches before winning and being able to put on such a good match that there always seemed to be some chance of him pulling it off. Hardy actually worked as a jobber starting in 1994 at the age of 17. much less end up as one of the best WWE wrestlers of all time. He was the best wrestler in the indies for years — trained This article is dedicated to listing the top 10 best pro wrestling jobbers of all time. 10.