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Áo Thun has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Áo Thun’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Vi vill att du är glad, positiv, tålmodig, har empati och har en stor portion med humor och skin på näsan! Teamet kring vår kund är viktig, därför kommer vi lägga stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet och att det ”klickar” mellan dig och vår kund och hennes team. Kvalifikationer. Goda kunskaper i svenska både i tal och skrift. Humor In Formal Communication This paper focuses on humor and its impacts in formal communications and conversations.

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Video, video, video. Facts: Video is 5x more likely than other types of content to start a conversation among members. LinkedIn members spend almost 3x more time watching video ads compared to time spent with static Sponsored Content. If you hadn’t heard, LinkedIn just went all in on Humor derived from the Latin whose original meaning is “body fluid”.

Simply put, positive humor fosters a warm, inviting feeling.

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February 22, 2016 February 17, 2016 connect2collaborate. If being funny is your business service, please be funny. The workplace consists of sets of human relationships, and humor is one way the dynamics of the group are illuminated. Simply put, positive humor fosters a warm, inviting feeling. Se hela listan på yesware.com Sales Humor | 427 417 följare på LinkedIn. Entertainment for hard-working (and lazy) salespeople. | Update Salesforce the lazy way.