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We constantly look for new payment methods that save on currency exchange rates and payment fees for our clients. Below is a list of available payment methods ranked by best option: Credit and debit cards are still the most commonly used method for payment worldwide, which includes AliExpress. Generally, banks have favorable terms and keep the fees to the minimum. Another advantage is that you can get money back from purchases. There are basically three methods of using PayPal on Aliexpress.

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Another advantage is that you can get money back from purchases. There are basically three methods of using PayPal on Aliexpress. How to Use PayPal on Aliexpress. Receiving payment via PayPal on Aliexpress can be achieved via the below methods.

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However, it requires that you “Ship to the USA/UK.” Once, you select these countries; you will see that the PayPal option will appear in the Payment methods tab. (there may be other countries that support PayPal payments, so do some testing). Although there are more payment methods available in AliExpress, AliPay will only be available to users with credit or debit cards, and with this system, AliExpress wants to offer a good alternative in terms of payment management and security in your online purchases to Paypal, which is also available in AliExpress. AliExpress accepts all kinds of electronic payment, from credit cards to prepaid cards, but also other methods such as Paypal and Western Union.

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In this article, we want to share with you the top 3 payment methods to pay on Aliexpress so you will avoid payment problems from day 1. In this article, you got all the information regarding the payment methods available on AliExpress. You can choose the payment method that suits you the best and get your favorite products without worrying about losing your money.

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