Immunicum ska presentera en del av ilixadencel-preklinisk

7718 > Immunicum > Immunicum AB publ Receives FDA

Ilixadencel  30 Dec 2020 Immunicum has evaluated ilixadencel in several clinical trials including the recently completed exploratory Phase II MERECA study in kidney  7 Dec 2020 Immunicum AB receives Fast Track Designation (FTD) from the U.S. FDA for ilixadencel, for the treatment of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors. 7 Jun 2018 Ilixadencel is an immune primer that uses activated DCs. It should not be confused with a DC therapy or DC vaccines. Immunicum's DCs are  Immunicum: CBO/Deputy CEO Erik Manting presents at Fight Cancer 2021 – Jan 21st. Published Immunicum: MERECA Update Confirms Ilixadencel Benefit.

Immunicum ilixadencel

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COVID-19. Immunicum har hittills inte haft någon väsentlig påverkan på verksamheten på grund av covid-19-pandemin. För mer information se riskavsnittet sid 12 i Pressmeddelande 17 augusti 2017 Immunicum slutför sin strategiska analys och uppdaterar den kliniska utvecklingsplanen för ilixadencel Immunicum AB (publ), Firs 2021-02-19 Find the latest Immunicum AB (IMMU.ST) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing. Immunicum is a clinical-stage immunoncology company based in Stockholm, Sweden. It is developing an allogeneic off-the-shelf dendritic cell immune activator or immune primer, ilixadencel, for use in combination with checkpoint inhibitors and other anti-cancer therapies in potentially any solid tumour indications accessible via direct injection. Immunicum is a clinical-stage immunoncology (IO) company based in Stockholm, Sweden.

2 feb 2021. EVELYN PESIKAN, ilixadencel, Immunicum, MERECA.

Immunicum - Updated Phase II MERECA data positive Edison

Den utvärderar ilixadencels säkerhet och effekt  Immunicum’s clinical program ilixadencel uses dendritic cells sourced from healthy human donors that are specifically activated to produce significant amounts of vigorous immune stimulatory factors. Immunicum AB (publ) today announced updated survival data from the Company’s randomized Phase II MERECA trial evaluating its off-the-shelf immune primer, ilixadencel, in combination with sunitinib Ilixadencel is an off-the-shelf cell-based cancer immunotherapy developed for the treatment of solid tumors.

Immunicum AB publ erhåller särläkemedelsstatus, ODD, från

It demonstrated promising potential in both the MERECA and the GIST studies from which topline results were announced. These advancements were the main focus of the year-end report released last week.

Immunicum ilixadencel

The Company's lead compound, ilixadencel is currently being evaluated in clinical trials for the treatment of kidney cancer, liver cancer and gastrointestinal  7 Feb 2020 Immunicum (STO: IMMU) has updated results from the randomized Phase II MERECA trial testing its off-the-shelf immune primer ilixadencel  16 Dec 2020 Immunicum has evaluated ilixadencel in several clinical trials including the recently completed exploratory Phase II MERECA study in kidney  27 Jan 2021 off-the-shelf immune primer ilixadencel an orphan drug designation for sarcoma (STS), according to an announcement from Immunicum AB. Immunicum's lead product ilixadencel, has completed phase 2 clinical evaluation in kidney cancer and is in phase 1 trials in multiple indications. Ilixadencel  30 Dec 2020 Immunicum has evaluated ilixadencel in several clinical trials including the recently completed exploratory Phase II MERECA study in kidney  7 Dec 2020 Immunicum AB receives Fast Track Designation (FTD) from the U.S. FDA for ilixadencel, for the treatment of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors.
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I maj 2020 erhöll Immunicum så kallad Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation från FDA för ilixadencel för behandling av patienter med metastaserad njurcancer. I december samma år fick bolaget Fast Track Designation från FDA för ilixadencel för behandling av gastrointestinal stromacellstumör (GIST). Med hela tre pågående kliniska studier inväntar rapportaktuella Immunicum nya resultat för huvudkandidaten ilixadencel. Bolaget med vd Carlo de Sousa i spetsen ser fram emot att under året ytterligare validera potentialen hos läkemedelskandidaten. Trots tydliga tecken på framsteg inom onkologifältet är cancer fortfarande högt på listan av sjukdomar som människor världen över 2020-12-31 Immunicum has received Orphan Drug Designation (ODD) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for ilixadencel.

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Immunicum AB publ erhåller särläkemedelsstatus, ODD, från

ATMP (Advanced Therapy  21 Dec 2020 Immunicum has evaluated ilixadencel in several clinical trials including the recently completed exploratory Phase II MERECA study in kidney  Pressmeddelande 31 december 2020 Immunicum AB (publ) erhåller särläkemedelsstatus, ODD, från FDA för ilixadencel för behandling av  Pressmeddelande 7 december 2020 Immunicum AB (publ) erhåller Fast Track Designation från FDA för ilixadencel för behandling av GIST  In addition to ilixadencel, these applications will allow the company to pursue or benefit from leading immuno-oncology trends in the biopharmaceutical industry. Immunicum AB (publ) Receives FDA Orphan Drug Designation for Ilixadencel as a Treatment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). 31 December 2020 Read  Immunicums ilixadencel bekämpar cancer på flera fronter.

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ons, aug 19, 2020 14:24 CET. Immunicums fas II-studie MERECA, som testar ilixadencel i  Immunicum's updated results from the Phase II MERECA trial with ilixadencel delivered a positive surprise. The company was selected for an  Immunicum har fått särläkemedelsstatus från den amerikanska läkemedelsmyndigheten FDA för bolagets kandidat ilixadencel för behandling  We look forward to start enrolling patients in that trial this year," said Carlos de Sousa, CEO of Immunicum. "Ilixadencel has broad potential as a  Immunicum – del av Sveriges långsiktiga satsning på ATMP. 2 feb 2021. EVELYN PESIKAN, ilixadencel, Immunicum, MERECA. ATMP (Advanced Therapy  Immunicum AB (publ) erhåller särläkemedelsstatus, ODD, från FDA för ilixadencel för behandling av mjukdelssarkom, Soft Tissue Sarcoma  Som bolag är Immunicum först och främst engagerat i att maximera potentialen hos bolagets huvudkandidat, immunaktiveraren ilixadencel,  Valberedningen föreslog Michael Oredsson som ny styrelseordförande i Immunicum AB (publ). ➢ Ilixadencel beviljades ATMP-certiering från EMA gällande  Immunicum kommer vid årets virtuella ESMO-kongress att presentera en del av prekliniska data relaterad till ilixadencel.