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Harmonised statistics on payment services in the Single Euro Payments Area. Economic Bulletin Issue 3, 2017. English. 28 February 2017. OTHER PUBLICATIONS.

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Organisationsnummer 902004-3619 Se hela listan på Payment services and electronic money. The EBA's work in the area of payments and electronic money is aimed at ensuring that payments across the EU are secure, easy and efficient. The regulatory output in this section includes the technical standards and guidelines under the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2); the mandate conferred on the ePayment Service Europe AB har under det senaste året en soliditet på 17.6%. För övriga företag i samma bransch och storleksklass är medianen för soliditeten 38%.

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Nets fintech partners benefit from of our best-in-class expertise, payment solutions and ecosystem to improve the business and make y our great ideas greater. 2010-06-04 · FI Payment Services, EUR STP guide, Belgium • July 2015 Message types in the MT 2XX range are used to transfer funds between financial institutions, or between accounts of the same financial institution. 2.1. Instructions by SWIFT MT 200 The MT 200 message is sent by an account owner to one of its account servicing institutions. 2010-06-04 · FI Payment Services, EUR STP guide, the Netherlands • July 2015 The present technical manual is part of the ING Service Specifications, as defined in the Services Agreement for Financial Institutions.