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Uranhexafluorid – Wikipedia
Other resolutions: 244 × 240 pixels | 488 × 480 pixels | 610 × 600 pixels | 781 × 768 pixels | 1,041 × 1,024 pixels. Uranium hexafluoride (UF6) is a compound used in the uranium enrichment process to produce fuel for nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. It consists one atom of uranium combined with six atoms of fluorine. Natural uranium is 99.284% Uranium 238-isotop (Al Stotts, a spokesman for the National Nuclear Security Administration, which oversees OST, clarifies that the truck "slowly rolled over.") In 2003 government trucks operated by private contractors had rollover accidents in Montana and Tennessee while hauling uranium hexafluoride, a highly corrosive compound used to produce nuclear bomb components and fuel for nuclear reactors. - Uranium hexafluoride (UF6) conversion, and - Uranium enrichment (SWU) Nuclear Market Review (weekly & monthly) - Uranium prices - Industry news - Uranium market data.
Begreppet utarmat och anrikat uran uppstod nästan 150 år efter upptäckten av uran av Martin Klaproth 1789. År 1938 hade två tyska fysiker Otto Hahn och Fritz Strassmann gjort upptäckten av fission av atomkärnan i 235 U- isotopen, som teoretiskt underbyggdes av Lise Meitner , Otto Robert Frisch och parallellt med dem Gottfried von Droste och Siegfried Flügge . The uranium is then processed by conversion into a gaseous compound required for later use, called uranium hexafluoride. Automatic translation: Urán-hexafluorid Uranet omvandlas till en gasblandning som används i ett senare skede och kallas för uranhexafluorid. The uranium is then processed by conversion into a gaseous compound required for later use, called uranium hexafluoride . Urán-hexafluorid - Uranium hexafluoride. A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából .
Det är i den här formen som anrikning av uran sker.
FördrS 19/2004 - FINLEX
Schauen Sie sich Beispiele für Uranhexafluorid-Übersetzungen in Sätzen an, hören Sie sich die Aussprache an und lernen Sie die Grammatik. The ION Science sulfur hexafluoride gas factsheet provides crucial information on ways of detecting sulfur hexafluoride gases in the electrical industry. Nuclear.
Hur uranmalm bryts ut. Varför är uran och dess föreningar
Uranium hexafluoride ( '), colloquially known as " hex '" in the nuclear industry, is a compound used in the process of enriching uranium, which produces fuel for nuclear reactor s and nuclear weapon s. Hex … uranium hexafluoride (redirected from Uranium hexaflouride) Also found in: Encyclopedia. Uranium hexafluoride (UF6) is a compound used in the uranium enrichment process to produce fuel for nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. It consists one atom of uranium … 2002-02-04 F2 + U = UF6 | Chemical Equation Details fluorine + U = Uranium hexafluoride | Quick search Weight Calculation In 1996, the United States convinced China to pull out of a contract to construct a uranium HEX plant, which would convert uranium oxide to uranium hexafluoride, an intermediate step needed for uranium-enrichment purposes.
A very dense, inert, non-toxic gas that is much heavier than air and used in the electrical industry as an insulating gas. If you inhale it, it would make your voice sound like Satan, i.e. really deep. Paying for more environmentally friendly switchgear. According to respondents, a higher purchasing price is one of the main barriers for adoption of SF 6-free alternative.At the same time, survey participants were in principle willing to pay more for environmental-friendly switchgear options—on average up to 20% compared to their usual purchasing price. Fluorides (eg, uranium hexafluoride) in air are photometrically detected with an apparatus with a vertical air passage duct equipped with a flow regulator, a flow meter, a unit containing a transparent bedding material (eg, silicon dioxide ), & an air pump, in sequence. Uranium hexafluoride ( '), colloquially known as " hex '" in the nuclear industry, is a compound used in the process of enriching uranium, which produces fuel for nuclear reactor s and nuclear weapon s.
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Urán-hexafluorid Urán (VI) -fluorid . Azonosítók CAS szám . 7783-81-5 ; 3D modell ( JSmol ) Interaktív kép ; ChEBI : CHEBI: 30235 ; ChemSpider : 22966 ; ECHA információs kártya : Contextual translation of "uranhexafluoride" into English. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory.
Berikat uran Calutron Isotop-separering Uranium-235, separerad, Atomkärnan, blå png 756x584px 106.3KB; Berikat uran Magnetisk separering Calutron-isotop,
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element, separation av isotoper av uran, omvandling av uran och framställning uran-233 där kontroll av kärn- technology uses uranium hexafluoride.
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A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából . Urán-hexafluorid Nevek IUPAC nevek . Urán-hexafluorid Urán (VI) -fluorid . Azonosítók CAS szám .
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Uranhexafluorid - Uranium hexafluoride -
Uranium hexafluoride Uranium(VI) fluoride. Identifiers CAS Number. 7783-81-5 Uranium tailings [leftover waste in the form of sand] contain extremely harmful radioactive and toxic uranium hexafluoride, but Russia is willing to take these materials from other countries for processing, long-term storage and, eventually, burial in special containers. Contextual translation of "uranhexafluoride" into English. Human translations with examples: MyMemory, World's Largest Translation Memory. Uranium heksafluorida (U F 6), disebut juga "heks" pada industri nuklir, adalah senyawa yang digunakan pada proses pengayaan uranium untuk memproduksi bahan bakar untuk digunakan pada reaktor nuklir dan senjata nuklir.Senyawa ini berbentuk padatan kristal abu-abu pada temperatur dan tekanan standar, sangat beracun, sangat reaktif dengan air, dan bersifat korosif dengan hampir semua logam.