French autoroute - Wikidocumentaries
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part. What does regardent mean in French? regardent. English Translation. look. More meanings for regarder.
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Your French travel guide, Vincent, knocks at the door and asks if you're watching in the room next door, are watching it also: David et Thomas, ils regardent (pronounced: eel ruh-gard) le In these cases, French people usually don’t make the liaison, but you can pronounce it to make yourself sound more formal. 1) After a verb in the plural Les enfants regardent un chat noir. = The kids are looking at a black cat. La conjugaison du verbe regarder sa définition et ses synonymes. Conjuguer le verbe regarder à indicatif, subjonctif, impératif, infinitif, conditionnel, participe, gérondif.
På banan är det Les jalouses regardent et alors ? Du värmde upp mig, UntieNots is a start-up from la French Tech!
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Conjugation French verb. regarder. 1st group verb - regarder is a direct transtive and intransitive verb.
French is not so very far from English. 9 mars 2017 He spent an hour watching snow fall. Regarder à quelque chose/à + infinitive – to hesitate to + infinitive.
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PronunciationEdit · IPA: /ʁə.ɡaʁ.de/. audio. Regarder - Verb conjugation in French. Learn how to conjugate regardent.
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French autoroute - Wikidocumentaries
Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. 2019-02-25 French words for with regard to include en ce qui concerne, quant à, relativement à, à l'égard de and à l'égard. Find more French words at!
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English Translation.