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Sale And Installation Of Aeration And Ventilation Equipment. Heating Sales, Installation. In Oradea, Infobel has listed 1 registered companies Frigovent Invest Srl Romania tax code 32180635 is a company from Oradea city, Bihor county. See phone, email, contact, financial data and more Frigovent Inneklimat är experter på allt som har med inneklimat att göra. De levererar helhetslösningar och tar hand om underhåll och service. Förutom ventilation har de också lång erfarenhet och hög kompetens inom all form av kyla.

Frigovent srl

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86 likes · 2 talking about this. Vânzări montaj service aer condiționat ventilație și climatizare Veti fi directionat pe site-ul web frigovent.ro in 30 sec. Mai multe site-uri web apartinand Frigovent Srl si altor companii sunt disponibile membrilor site-ului. Modalitatile rapide de acces la informatiile din baza de date ListaFirme sunt: contactează-ne.

La cantina professionale per il privato Frigoveneta S.r.l. ha implementato un progetto formativo dal titolo 19 mag. Partecipazione al fondo Europeo per la formazione.

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ORADEA. 0751.246.924.

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We are constantly improving quality of our products and services, providing technological and technical solutions and services that we result in the highest quality in the industry worldwide. Frigovent SRL este o întreprindere din România, cu sediul central în ORADEA.

Frigovent srl

În prezent are un număr total de 9 (2020) angajați. In 2013, FRIGOVENT improved its operations, based on Italian know-how, which marked a new phase of its development – the company started producing new series of small and medium size blast chillers used by the food service industry (HORECA). Photos are what you need to create a stunning website. Images will drive traffic to your website and be seen by a huge audience. High quality photos will ensure your website is always updated. Informaţii Frigovent Hvac Srl CIF 43598774 J05/145/2021 Str. Vamii 10 Oradea. Află date de contact, informaţii financiare, datorii la bugete, dosare in justiţie, activitate Frigovent Invest Srl Romania tax code 32180635 is a company from Oradea city, Bihor county.
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(+4) 0265-262.870. ZASS Romania S.R.L. (CUI: RO15328988) Loc. Ungheni, Nr. 40A Jud. Mureş, România Vi skulle vilja visa dig en beskrivning här men webbplatsen du tittar på tillåter inte detta. FRIGOVENT DOO obezbeđuje spoj inžinjerstva, tehnologije i znanja kako bi pružili najbolja rešenja za klijente iz različitih industrija: hrana, hlađenje, metal, HoReCa itd.

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frigovent invest srl, oradea. informatii financiare Şi fiscale status la data 31/12/2015: funcţiune cod fiscal: 32180635 numĂr de Frigovent. 106 likes.

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FrigoVent.ro Frigo Vent In 2013, FRIGOVENT improved its operations, based on Italian know-how, which marked a new phase of its development – the company started producing new series of small and medium size blast chillers used by the food service industry (HORECA). Report with financial data, key executives contacts, ownership details & and more for Frigovent SRL in Romania. Report is available for immediate purchase & download from EMIS. Frigovent Srl Romania tax code 26103212 is a company from Oradea city, Bihor county. See phone, email, contact, financial data and more FRIGOVENT LTD delivers synergy of engineering, technology and know-how to provide the best solutions to our clients in various industries: food, refrigeration, metal, HoReCa etc.. We offer top class metal processing services, complete projects from design, production and execution of refrigeration systems, refrigeration plants, cold storage rooms and condensing units. På Frigovent ger vi både företag och privatpersoner friheten att själva styra sitt inomhusklimat.