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We serve a range of industries with carbon emissions, including cement, waste-to-energy, oil & gas and steel. Kvaerner ASA and Aker Solutions ASA have agreed to merge. Norway Today delivers independent and timely reporting on Norway, Scandinavia, and the world to international audiences. By doing so, it aims to provide international readers with valuable insight on all things and issues Kvaerner ASA and Aker Solutions ASA have agreed to merge. Operations Director Kjetel Digre in Aker BP will be CEO of the new company.

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The contract awards come just days after the Norwegian Government announced its funding decision for the Northern Lights project, led by Equinor, Shell, and Total.Aker Solutions has, via its subsidiary Kvaerner, been awarded a contract by Equinor for delivering the new CO2 Aker ASA would transfer its entire ownership of the company to the holding company, and sell 40% of the holding company. Aker received NOK 6.4 billion for the transaction. The purpose of creating this company is to keep Aker Solutions part of important and valuable Norwegian technology, in Norway for the next 10 years. Offshore staff.

17 Jul 2020 We thank Kværner for the vote of confidence and we congratulate both parties the leading engineering and oil service companies in Norway.

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“When approved, this will be the first offshore concrete LNG terminal in the world. Norway-based engineering and construction services supplier Kvaerner has secured a contract from Aker BP to deliver the topside and steel substructure for the unmanned wellhead platform at the Hod field, offshore Norway. Kvaerner noted that this is the second project in the wellhead platform alliance between the company, Aker BP, ABB and Aker Aker Floating Production er blitt til Ocean Yield, et selskap som eier og leier ut mer enn 50 moderne skip. Aker Exploration fusjonerte med Det norske oljeselskap i 2009, kjøpte Marathon Oil Norway i 2014, slo seg sammen med BP Norge i 2016 og ble til Aker BP – en betydelig lete- og oljeselskap på norsk sokkel.

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Aker Solutions delivers integrated solutions, products and services to the global energy industry.

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Aker Kvaerner Holding AS, 33,30%, 33,30%. Naerings- og Fiskeridepartementet, 12,20%, 12,20%.
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We serve a range of industries with carbon emissions, including cement, waste-to-energy, oil & gas and steel.

Aker Solutions delivers integrated solutions, products and services to the global energy industry. We enable low-carbon oil and gas production and develop renewable solutions to … Aker Solutions and Kvaerner have agreed to merge the companies based on the principle of equal parties. The name of the new company will be Aker Solutions ASA. Kvaerner and Aker Solutions have for many years been successful suppliers to customers operating energy production facilities, especially to oil companies with oil and gas fields.
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Apr 1st, 2002. The combined Aker Solutions and Kvaerner company will have about 15,000 employees in more than 50 locations worldwide, including about 8,000 employees in Norway. The company will have operations in about 25 countries.

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des 2020 I november fusjonerte deleide Aker Solutions ASA med Kværner ASA. Aker Seafoods og en foredlingsvirksomhet under navnet Norway  17 Jul 2020 OSLO (Reuters) - Aker Solutions AKES.OL announced a merger with Kvaerner KVAER.OL and a new chief executive on Friday, forming a firm  Aker Solutions in Verdal, Norway. Adress: Hamnevegen 7, NO-7652 Verdal.