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Scania fastställer ramverk för gröna obligationer som stöd för

(2,257) • Net sales rose by 6 percent to SEK 22,321 m. (21,126) • Cash flow amounted to SEK 783 m. (730) in Vehicles and Services Comments by Per Hallberg, acting President and CEO: Scania har sedan länge satsat på att kunna erbjuda en bred palett av transport- och kollektivtrafiklösningar där fordonen drivs på förnybara bränslen.” Kontaktpersoner. Susanna Berlin Investor Relations Tel. +46 8 553 861 12 Mobil tel. +46 70 086 05 02.

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"H&D Wireless är en strategisk partner till Scania Smart Factory. Aktieägare som vill delta i stämman ska anmäla sitt deltagande till Bolaget senast den 3 maj 2021, per post på adress Hitech & Development Wireless Sweden Holding AB, Färögatan 33, 164 51 Kista, per e-post 19 July 2013 Scania AB (publ) SE-151 87 Södertälje Tel. +46 8 553 810 00 Corporate identity number Sweden Fax +46 8 553 810 37 556184-8564 Scania Interim Report J Click here for access to annual reports, investor contacts, data archives, shareholder FAQs, stock price history and webcasts. March 17, 2021 - Scania Annual and Sustainabilty Report 2020. Scania Year-end Report January–December 2020.

SÖDERTÄLJE, Sweden, March 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- 2020 was a year like no other. Though heavily impacted by disruptions due to the pandemic, Scania managed through with a strong underlying Investor Relations Global Contacts PR Newswire Scania Year-end Report January-December 2020 Provided by PR Scania's ability to deliver in the present moment, while at the same time developing Investor Relations. Preliminary Q1 2021 Results significantly above market expectations.

Investor Relations

Interim Report 2nd Quarter 2021 Add to calendar. 21. Oct 2021. Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2021 Add to calendar.

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How do companies transform Information about TRATON: sites, history, key figures. This website uses cookies. So that you can use the website and what it has to offer in the best possible way, please agree to the use of cookies. Scania AB (publ) Corporate identity number 556184-8564 151 87 Södertälje Sweden Tel +46 8 553 810 00 Fax +46 8 553 810 37 Scania Year-end Report January-December 2019 Summary of the full year 2019 • To fight climate change, Scania is setting Science Based Targets in line with limiting global warming to 1.5°C 31 July 2020 Scania AB (publ) Corporate identity number 556184-8564 151 87 Södertälje Sweden Tel +46 8 553 810 00 Fax +46 8 553 810 37 Scania Interim Report Janua Investor relations contacts Here you can find all details needed to get in contact with Investor Relations at Scania. Scania Annual and Sustainability Report 2019 In 2019, Scania increased its efforts to drive the shift towards a sustainable transport system, while the company continued to grow and was able to deliver record volumes.

Scania investor relations

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TRATON’s goal is to become an industry leader in terms of profitability with a 9% return-on-sales target over the cycle. Our brands contribute to this effort with their focused operational excellence programs to increase profitability. In Oslo, Scania and ASKO are testing battery electric trucks in everyday use. The potential is huge. Investor Relations.

The 2018 edition of Scania’s Annual and Sustainability Report takes significant steps in outlining the journey that Scania is taking towards a sustainable transport system. It is the company’s fourth combined annual and sustainability report detailing its financial, social and environmental performance. Scania’s net sales rose to a record high SEK 28.4 billion and earnings for the first quarter reached SEK 3,081 m. Higher vehicle and service volumes were partly offset by the high investment level related to Scania’s new truck generation.
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Scania delårsrapport januari–mars 2020

Further information on Scania shares. is available on www.

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Investors Scania is a world- leading provider of transport solutions. Together with our partners and customers we are driving the shift towards a sustainable transport system. • Scania's financial information (interim reports, annual and sustainability reports) and corporate governance, choose Scania Investor Relations • Scania's debt programmes (commercial paper, medium-term notes, corporate bonds and other forms of credits), choose Scania Treasury For questions on TRATON In 2019, Scania increased its efforts to drive the shift towards a sustainable transport system, while the company continued to grow and was able to deliver record volumes. This is Scania's fifth combined annual and sustainability report describing its financial, social and environmental development. • Scania's financial information (interim reports, annual and sustainability reports) and corporate governance, choose Scania Investor Relations • Scania's debt programmes (commercial paper, medium-term notes, corporate bonds and other forms of credits), choose Scania Treasury For questions on TRATON Scania’s net sales rose to a record high SEK 28.4 billion and earnings for the first quarter reached SEK 3,081 m.