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pain crotté in Swedish - French-Swedish Dictionary Glosbe

bröd [-ett] noun · bröd (vetebröd; vitt bröd). le pain de froment · pain de froment [le ~] noun · bröd (lev; brödlimpa; limpa). la miche · miche [la ~] noun · bröd. le pain. pain blanc translation in French-Swedish dictionary. Des macaroni aux fromages, de la purée de pommes de terre, et du pain blanc. Makaroner och ost  Check 'pain crotté' translations into Swedish.

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Contextual translation of "sucker for pain" into French. Human translations with examples: être gaga de, pretium doloris, tetine de biberon, sucker for gold (1). Translations of pain from English to French and index of pain in the bilingual analogic dictionary French Translation for pain - English-French Dictionary Translation of "dull pain" in French. Noun. douleur sourde.

fric. loaf noun. pain translate: bread, bread, bread, loaf, tablet.

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Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Contextual translation of "pain points" into French. Human translations with examples: clud, douleur, la douleur, douleur sai, de la douleur, centres antidouleur. Translation of "to be a pain" in French.

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We believe There will be no more pain There will be no more shame There will be no more lo 2021-04-13 · pain m (plural pains) bread; piece of bread; food. 1830 Juvénal, Les Satires, translated into French verse by Barré de Jallais Sa nudité déplaît, sa détresse importune, / Et tous les jours, hélas ! à tout le monde en vain / Il demande une chambre, un habit et du pain. This video will enable people with chronic pain access to a self-management tool that will help them manage the impacts of chronic pain on their functioning, Pain (English to French translation). Translate Pain to English online and download now our free translation software to use at any time. Contextual translation of "sucker for pain" into French.

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Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. on pain of translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'pain barrier',pain relief',back pain',period pain', examples, definition, conjugation Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.
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Other translations. You're becoming a real pain in the ass, Lasky. Vous devenez un véritable emmerdeur, Lasky. 2021-04-13 Translation of "beauty is pain" in French. il faut souffrir pour être belle.

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Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary. Translations in context of "fruit à pain" in French-English from Reverso Context: Dans son apparence générale, le fruit peut être considéré comme un intermédiaire entre le jacques et le fruit à pain. Pain translated from French to English including synonyms, definitions, and related words.

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pain crotté in Swedish - French-Swedish Dictionary Glosbe

ne pas pouvoir manger de ce pain-là. das nicht einfach hinnehmen können. ça ne mange pas de pain inf. es kann nicht [s] schaden. ça ne mange pas de pain de faire qc inf. acetaminophen - ache - achingly - achy - acute - afterpain - agony - ail - allay - alleviate - alleviation - ameliorate - analgesia - anesthetic - anodyne - arthralgia - aspirin - assuage - backache - bellyache - buckle up - burning pain - cluster headache - colic - cramp - crick in your back - cruelty - cut - distress - dolor - double over - double up - double up with pain - dull - dysmenorrhea - earache - excruciating - eye ache - facial neuralgia - flinch - give relief - gripe - groan pain : French English Dictionary translates words, phrases, idioms and sentences. Translations in context of "LIFE IS PAIN" in english-french.