IS sprider ny propagandafilm på svenska - YouTube


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ISIS released a propaganda video that features a boy who claims he is the American son of a U.S. soldier and moved to Syria with his mother two years ago. The child, Alongside high school dance videos and pranks, extremist propaganda has been lurking on TikTok. TikTok has removed nearly two dozen accounts responsible for posting ISIS propaganda videos, The The Counter Extremism Project (CEP) reports weekly on the methods used by extremists to exploit the Internet and social media platforms to recruit followers and incite violence. Last week, a pro-ISIS supporter recirculated a previously released propaganda video calling for terrorist attacks through vehicles, knives, and arson, and published it on multiple online platforms including JustPaste Analysts are worried that ISIS's sophisticated propaganda videos will make it easier than ever to recruit new followers. CNN's Brian Todd reports.

Isis propaganda videos

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It features a boy who claims he is the son of a U.S. soldier. NBC’s Kr The ISIS video shows a feed from the drone’s camera as it approaches a group of but will not publish it in full, as it contains extremely graphic content and extremist propaganda. Share John Cantlie is the latest hostage to be paraded out by ISIS -- forced to deliver the group's message. Brian Todd reports.

Islamiska staten i Irak och Syrien/Levanten (as-Shām). Islamism(-er) rörelser Denna video fick också mycket snabbt spridning i ”vanliga” medier – tv och press osv.

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The footage was apparently filmed prior to the massacre which killed 130, and features the nine terrorists when they were still in Syria and Iraq, “training” by executing and beheading enemies of ISIS. After it released videos of beheadings and mass killings, the activities of the terrorist group ISIS received widespread attention in the mainstream media.

propagandafilm på engelska - Svenska - Engelska Ordbok

ISIS especially emphasized the usage of armed drones, suicide bombers, anti-aircraft units, snipers along with remote-contolled machine guns and rocket launchers as a way to combat the US-led coalition and its allies in the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). I do not own this video. This was created by but I was unable to find it on youtube so here it is. DAMASCUS, SYRIA (2:30 A.M.) – On Thursday, the Islamic State released another propaganda video from Anbar province in western Iraq, this time covering recent raids conducted by land and air against the Iraqi Army.. In addition, the footage showed a communication tower near the border with Syria being blown up while relatively primitive armed drones dropped artillery shells on Iraqi outposts.

Isis propaganda videos

in Syria. Reading Time: 1 min read 5. 15. SHARES. The group's videos are the latest evolution of a propaganda technique used by militant groups in the Middle East for decades, NBC News points out in an interesting video explainer. As NBC News notes, Western hostages held in Lebanon in the 1980s were often forced to appear on camera, but mainly to provide proof of life and communicate their captors' demands.
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och privatshia arméer inlett en kampanj för att störta ISIS militanta tidigare i veckan.

av J Falk · 2016 — prints och videos. Ingram (2015, 14 2013 under namnet Isis (Islamiska Staten i Irak och Syrien).
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Här slaktar IS sina fångar som djur – i den värsta videon

Forskning visar att de som tittar på propagandavideoklipp från till exempel terrorgruppen  tittar på någon video, propagandavideo, och så… ja, pratar om brödraskap personen som har begett sig och krigat med ISIS har haft det under barndomen  From efficient instructions on how to kill civilians to horrifying videos of beheadings, mission, and tactics of the organization's use of media and propaganda. Contributors consider how ISIS's media strategies imitate activist tactics, legitimize  Nyligen publicerade Brookings Institution en unik analys av ISIS twitterkonton. syften som terrorpropaganda och informationsspridning av det här slaget. Exponeringen för de videos och bilder som sprids kan också, enligt  Vi kommer också att publicera utdrag ur propagandafilmer som visar hur personer Till sist trycker hon på playknappen och på fyra videoskärmar visas mordet  av J Norman · 2017 — referring to videos that ISIS released through their propaganda networks.

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