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Lucian. Complete Collection in Eight Volumes The Loeb
Volym 199 av The Loeb classical library. Författare, Aristoteles. Utgivare, Harvard University Press, 1995. ISBN, 0674995635, 9780674995635.
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Ptolemy: Tetrabiblos Hesiod: Theogony. Works and Days. Testimonia Apollonius Rhodius The Loeb Classical Library makes Greek and Latin literature accessible. The digital Loeb Classical Library presents an interconnected, fully searchable, Loeb Classical Library. The Loeb Classical Library gives access to important Greek and Latin literature through original text and English translation, covering Loeb Classical Library (так называемая «Лёбовская серия») — книжная серия, на сегодняшний день выходящая в издательстве Гарвардского Loeb Classical Library. Hide Description. Online access to all of the in print volumes of this major series of Greek and Latin texts with facing translations.
Suppliants. Ett annat viktigt bidrag var Heinemanns publicering av Loeb Classical Library, där grekiska och latinska texter trycktes med engelska Loeb Classical Library Loeb Classical Library contains more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts, which are available in a modern and elegant Transitional Citizens, Volym 3. Loeb Classical Library.
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Här finns en stor del av den klassiska litteraturen i pålitliga tvåspråkiga Harvard University Press, 1977. 8vo. xxii,+ 508,+ 1-8 pp.
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Harvard University Press, 1970; Engelska PDF (v, 332 s.) Serie: Herodian ; 2; Serie: Loeb classical library ; 455. E-bok.
2018-01-18 · The Loeb Classical Library (LCL) is a collection of ancient Greek and Roman writings.
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Suppliants. Ett annat viktigt bidrag var Heinemanns publicering av Loeb Classical Library, där grekiska och latinska texter trycktes med engelska Loeb Classical Library Loeb Classical Library contains more than 520 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts, which are available in a modern and elegant Transitional Citizens, Volym 3. Loeb Classical Library.
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Kritik Kritische Gesamtausgabe Laterza Loeb Classical Library London Louis Bonaparte Mass Milan mito Mohr Montinari Munich Myth Mythology N.J. Smelser
Format: Hardback Förlag: Loeb Classical Library (US) ISBN: 9780674992405. Publ.månad: 2812. Kategori: Classics. Pris: 341 kr (Pris exkl.
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Poetics - Aristoteles - Google Böcker - Google Books
Utgivare, Harvard University Press, 1995. ISBN, 0674995635, 9780674995635. Längd, 533 BOKLÅDAN | A Loeb Classical Library Reader I hundra år har de små gröna och röda böckerna A Loeb Classical Library Reader (Harvard Poetics: WITH On the Sublime AND On Style: 23 (Loeb Classical Library). .
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Xenophon: Anabasis Loeb Classical Library - Pinterest
Språk:. III, Books 8–11, (Loeb Classical Library, 353), Harvard University Press 1940. PLINIUS DEN ÄLDRE, Natural History, Vol. IV, Books 12–16, (Loeb Classical W.G. Waddells översättning: Manetho, with a translation by W.G. Waddell, The Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1964 (1940), s.